Supported projects of HaRe
Software for financial institutes

A software for financial institutes was developed by Hewlett-Packard Ges.m.b.H. Austria. This Software had to be maintained and enhanced.
Main tasks of HaRe: FATCA ... Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act,
CRS ... Common Reporting Standard,
MiFID II ... Markets In Financial Instruments Directive II
and MiFIR ... Markets In Financial Instruments Regulation.
Code generator and automated tests for PSD2
(Payment Services Directive), XS2A (Access to Accounts).
Consulting for C++, SOAP, XML, XSD.
Software Development, Teamlead Development, Software Architect.
Time and place
04/2014 until december 2023 in Vienna
- vi
- gcc, make
- bash, sed, ...
- Unit-Test-Framework cppunit
- boost
- rapidxml
- xmllint
- doxygen for the documentation of the C++ files
- Oracle
- Linux
Special necessary capability
- C++
- XML and XSD
- design patterns